5. August 2024

I stand firm: We need a true Corona investigation committee now!

I stand firm: We need a true Corona investigation committee now!

"We need new conspiracy theories - the old ones have all come true!" I have been repeating this sentence incessantly since the height of the Covid-19 p(L)andemic, when it had to dawn on every clear-headed and self-thinking person that there was a lot wrong with the government's synchronized panic narrative.

An experimental "vaccine" brewed in record time that never fulfilled its purpose. At best. At worst, it still harms or even kills people today. Alleged overcrowding of hospitals, which simultaneously reduced their free bed capacity in order to fuel the media-driven panic about a collapse of the healthcare system and to justify the introduction of compulsory vaccination. FFP2 masks that could suddenly be worn "safely" all day long, contrary to all occupational health and safety regulations, although they could never have filtered out a virus due to their mesh size.

Toddlers and babies who could no longer see their parents' faces. Schoolchildren who had to breathe in their own stale air for eight hours a day, including the particles from their masks. Old people who had to die alone in retirement homes. Children and grandchildren who could no longer say goodbye to them. Lockdowns with devastating effects on the economy, society and especially the psyche of young people. Media manhunts, fueled by hatred and agitation from the mass media. Lies and censorship on behalf of the state. Exclusion and the language of hate propaganda that has risen directly from the darkest years of German history. Dismissals. Occupational bans. Thought control. Water cannons. Baton charging police officers. Bleeding, peaceful demonstrators and a constitution that was trampled on with a cold smile under the boots of the state's repressive apparatus, while the stirred-up masses applauded with ravenous eyes.

No! We are far from finished! This indescribable fall of mankind must be dealt with, the victims rehabilitated as far as possible and the perpetrators brought to justice.

The RKI protocols, which have now been published unredacted thanks to a whistleblower, will be a great help in this, as they clearly show that the entire p(L)andemic was politically controlled and that science merely had to serve as a vicarious agent for the desired narrative. It shows that the RKI, at least internally, was also preoccupied with some of the questions and doubts that all clear-thinking citizens had long since expressed. For which they were labeled as blatherers, conspiracy theorists or cov-idiots by politicians and the mass media.

Yes, it now turns out that we were right about many things and that our conspiracy theories of yesterday have long since become bitter reality. The former Covid Special Committee (COVI) in the EU Parliament was a first, small step towards a proper reappraisal. Those who have been following me on social media for some time will also be familiar with my numerous videos from the COVI, in which I provided small pieces of the mosaic one by one that played their part in overturning the narrative. However, the COVI was unable to summon those responsible to a hearing, it could only ask them to do so.

That's why we now need a real committee of inquiry for further clarification, where it belongs: In parliament. And not in so-called citizens' councils of the "civil society", as the legacy parties are now suggesting.

Because anyone with a clear view knows that today's so-called „civil society“ is nothing more than the taxpayer-funded political front of the government and the ruling parties. Interspersed with state-financed associations, alliances, media professionals and NGOs, it is nothing other than what the mass organizations of the SED-regime once were in the GDR: bandogs and lickspittles of the establishment. Anyone expecting serious answers here is beyond help.

That's why we now need a genuine Corona Committee of Inquiry, where Ursula Von der Leyen, her friend and Pfizer boss Albert Burla as well as Christian Drosten, Jens Spahn, Lothar Wieler and Karl Lauterbach are summoned to give sworn testimony. And at the end, I want a direct transition to court proceedings. And then hear the handcuffs click!

Also because the henchmen, the many little enforcers, agitators, denunciators and cowards from back then are still with us. Also in the state administration. If their abusive masters remain scot-free today, then this particular breed of people will let off even more steam next time under the protection of their civil servant status.

That alone should give every freedom-loving citizen serious cause for fear and concern. Therefore, there is no way around a thorough reappraisal.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP


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