Your Hessian Deputy

Christine Anderson

in the EU Parliament

Politics for Germany

The EU is elitist, aloof and distant from the citizens. With its tentacles, it takes a stranglehold on the sovereignty of the European nations and dictates to the citizens in every detail how they have to behave.

I want an honest and free Europe of free people and not a construct of political elites. I consider putting a stop to these false elites here in Brussels and Strasbourg to be the most urgent task in my political work.
About me
"If the Age of Enlightenment has brought forth anything, it is surely this: Never take anything a government tells you at face value!"
 MEP Christine Anderson (AfD)

My work in numbers

Explanations of vote
Written questions
Alternative opinions

Recent posts

Green Deal above all - Voter ceception has a name: CDU

Dear fellow citizens, The day before yesterday I reported to you on the constitution of the “ENVI” (Committee on the...

Start of a new legislative period: My new tasks in the EU Parliament

Dear fellow citizens, Today, the new committees have been constituted in the EU Parliament and a lot has happened in...

Hostage of the Deep State? - EU-Asylum for Joe Biden

Joe Biden is finished. Mentally and physically. And has been for a long time. No one who has seen his...

COMPACT ban is an attack on the freedom of press! - My request to the EU Commission

Today, July 16, 2024, the Federal Ministry of the Interior banned the well-known COMPACT magazine, which is critical of the...
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