Greetings from Japan! 🇯🇵 I have just landed at the airport in Tokyo! Now I‘m looking forward to the INTERNATIONAL CRISIS SUMMIT 6, where I will be participating as a speaker for the next 4 days. Together with a lot of good friends and international fellow campaigners, we will discuss ways in which we can put a stop to the WHO and the false global elites in the future. 👊

🎬📲 There is also a live stream for the coming days:

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP

The end of a democracy simulation? 🇫🇷 France arrests the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov. Allegedly on behalf of the 🇺🇸US administration. The 🇪🇺 EU is trying to blackmail Elon Musk over X with heavy fines. 🇧🇷 Brazil threatens arrests & forces local X staff to flee the country. 🇦🇺 Australia demands worldwide censorship of unpopular X posts. The free video platform Rumble is no longer available in 🇫🇷 France following threats from Paris. 🇬🇧 Great Britain and 🇳🇿 New Zealand have also already taken Rumble into their crosshairs. Following Pavel Durov's arrest, Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski left the 🇪🇺 EU yesterday as a precaution.

The so-called “Values-West” is dropping its masks and behind them we see the ugly face of totalitarianism. The false elites are putting all their eggs in one basket. They are all about controlling opinions and gaining power over thoughts and words. If they win now, we will be living in a feudal police state as of tomorrow. Worldwide. We must never allow that to happen!

Yours sincerely,
Christine Anderson, MEP

Dear fellow citizens,

The following text contains some premium conspiracy theories on the subject of “monkeypox”. At least that's what those who believe in what the TV tells them would claim. But because almost all of the old conspiracy theories have come true in the meantime, we are now getting a new supply:

As you probably know, the WHO has already issued the highest global health alert for monkeypox (Mpox) last week, although the spread is only limited to some regions of Africa.

You probably also know that a simulation game on the topic of “monkeypox” took place at the Munich Security Conference in 2021. One of the participants was Jeremy Farrar, the then director of the billion-dollar health foundation “Wellcome Trust” (funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others). As luck would have it, Farrar has been Chief Scientist at the WHO since last year.

At the end of 2023, BioNTech enters into a strategic partnership with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). CEPI was founded in Davos in 2016 (WEF sends its regards) and is an alliance of the WHO, the EU Commission, individual governments, pharmaceutical companies, (private) donors and foundations. The “Wellcome Trust”, the Gates Foundation and the UN stand out in the 2024 investor overview.

In May 2024, BioNTech and CEPI announced that they are expanding their portfolio for mRNA vaccines - including vaccines against Mpox. At the same time, the monkeypox vaccine “Imvanex” from “Bavarian Nordic” is already being produced in Denmark and is the only one to be approved in both the EU and the USA.

So much for the crystal-clear facts. If you want to find out more, here is a good place to start:

In the meantime, during my own research, I came across further, rather disturbing information:

🚑 Did you know that the Austrian Red Cross (Tyrol section) for example, is now looking for new employees for vaccination centers? The tasks include managing patient flows, preparing barcodes and vaccination certificates as well as carrying out mobile vaccinations. Applicants are expected to be “assertive”, among other things. From the end of September, the new employees will receive a gross salary of around €2,450 per month at their place of work in Vienna.

💰 BioNTech previously announced in the German business newspaper Handelsblatt that they expect 90 percent of their total sales to be generated by the end of 2024.

🏗 Currently, BioNTech is building its first commercial African vaccine factory in Rwanda. The focus here also includes mRNA vaccines against Mpox. Some old acquaintances traveled to the opening: EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock gave themselves the dubious honor. Incidentally, Germany is supporting the development of the vaccine production in Rwanda with almost 36 million euros of German taxpayers' money.

⚠️ Dear readers, do you believe in coincidences?
‼️ I DO NOT!

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP

Dear fellow citizens,

At the beginning of the new legislature, the EU Parliament voted by a large majority in favor of a resolution entitled "The need for the EU's continuous support for Ukraine". I voted against it. Because the maelstrom of current narratives and developments is already putting us all in grave danger.

That is why I am informing you today about my official parliamentary explanation of vote, in which I explain why I voted against this resolution, against further military armament and against an escalation of the conflict, and instead call for immediate ceasefire talks and an intensified diplomatic initiative by the EU for a peaceful solution.

This declaration of mine, together with the original motion, is now forever in the archives of the EU Parliament. No one should later be able to claim that he or she was unaware of the imminent danger into which we are being driven ever deeper, sleepwalking.

+++ Written explanation of vote by CHRISTINE ANDERSON +++

I voted against the resolution on continued support for Ukraine as it does not reflect my views on peaceful conflict resolution. I am in favor of diplomatic solutions and peace negotiations rather than military support and arms deliveries.

An amendment I tabled on behalf of the ESN Group, which welcomed the peace mission of Hungarian head of state Viktor Orbán, was rejected by the EU Parliament. Orbán's efforts to achieve a peaceful solution through negotiations were not taken into account in the resolution. Instead, his mission was dismissed as irrelevant, although diplomatic efforts are essential for a sustainable solution of the conflict.

The resolution calls for increased military support and closer NATO integration of Ukraine, which could further escalate the conflict. I reject this approach as it prolongs the war and means more suffering for the Ukrainian people.

I call for immediate ceasefire talks and a stronger diplomatic initiative by the EU to find a peaceful solution. The focus should be on humanitarian aid and the protection of the civilian population, not on military build-up and escalation of the conflict.

I therefore voted against this resolution and call on the EU to reconsider its policy towards peace and diplomacy.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP

Here you find a link to the EU resolution I rejected (TA-10-2024-0003). Read it and then decide for yourself whether the demands of the advocates of war are in the interests of the peoples and ordinary citizens, or once again only in the interests of our false elites.

"We need new conspiracy theories - the old ones have all come true!" I have been repeating this sentence incessantly since the height of the Covid-19 p(L)andemic, when it had to dawn on every clear-headed and self-thinking person that there was a lot wrong with the government's synchronized panic narrative.

An experimental "vaccine" brewed in record time that never fulfilled its purpose. At best. At worst, it still harms or even kills people today. Alleged overcrowding of hospitals, which simultaneously reduced their free bed capacity in order to fuel the media-driven panic about a collapse of the healthcare system and to justify the introduction of compulsory vaccination. FFP2 masks that could suddenly be worn "safely" all day long, contrary to all occupational health and safety regulations, although they could never have filtered out a virus due to their mesh size.

Toddlers and babies who could no longer see their parents' faces. Schoolchildren who had to breathe in their own stale air for eight hours a day, including the particles from their masks. Old people who had to die alone in retirement homes. Children and grandchildren who could no longer say goodbye to them. Lockdowns with devastating effects on the economy, society and especially the psyche of young people. Media manhunts, fueled by hatred and agitation from the mass media. Lies and censorship on behalf of the state. Exclusion and the language of hate propaganda that has risen directly from the darkest years of German history. Dismissals. Occupational bans. Thought control. Water cannons. Baton charging police officers. Bleeding, peaceful demonstrators and a constitution that was trampled on with a cold smile under the boots of the state's repressive apparatus, while the stirred-up masses applauded with ravenous eyes.

No! We are far from finished! This indescribable fall of mankind must be dealt with, the victims rehabilitated as far as possible and the perpetrators brought to justice.

The RKI protocols, which have now been published unredacted thanks to a whistleblower, will be a great help in this, as they clearly show that the entire p(L)andemic was politically controlled and that science merely had to serve as a vicarious agent for the desired narrative. It shows that the RKI, at least internally, was also preoccupied with some of the questions and doubts that all clear-thinking citizens had long since expressed. For which they were labeled as blatherers, conspiracy theorists or cov-idiots by politicians and the mass media.

Yes, it now turns out that we were right about many things and that our conspiracy theories of yesterday have long since become bitter reality. The former Covid Special Committee (COVI) in the EU Parliament was a first, small step towards a proper reappraisal. Those who have been following me on social media for some time will also be familiar with my numerous videos from the COVI, in which I provided small pieces of the mosaic one by one that played their part in overturning the narrative. However, the COVI was unable to summon those responsible to a hearing, it could only ask them to do so.

That's why we now need a real committee of inquiry for further clarification, where it belongs: In parliament. And not in so-called citizens' councils of the "civil society", as the legacy parties are now suggesting.

Because anyone with a clear view knows that today's so-called „civil society“ is nothing more than the taxpayer-funded political front of the government and the ruling parties. Interspersed with state-financed associations, alliances, media professionals and NGOs, it is nothing other than what the mass organizations of the SED-regime once were in the GDR: bandogs and lickspittles of the establishment. Anyone expecting serious answers here is beyond help.

That's why we now need a genuine Corona Committee of Inquiry, where Ursula Von der Leyen, her friend and Pfizer boss Albert Burla as well as Christian Drosten, Jens Spahn, Lothar Wieler and Karl Lauterbach are summoned to give sworn testimony. And at the end, I want a direct transition to court proceedings. And then hear the handcuffs click!

Also because the henchmen, the many little enforcers, agitators, denunciators and cowards from back then are still with us. Also in the state administration. If their abusive masters remain scot-free today, then this particular breed of people will let off even more steam next time under the protection of their civil servant status.

That alone should give every freedom-loving citizen serious cause for fear and concern. Therefore, there is no way around a thorough reappraisal.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP

Dear fellow citizens,

In the first part of my report on the newly appointed “ENVI” (Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety), I already described how the Italian Social Democrat Antonio Decaro managed to get himself elected as the new committee chairman with votes from Ursula von der Leyen's party (CDU/EPP). This alleged back-room deal between the Greens (Greens/EFA) and the CDU (EPP) has now resulted in two staunch supporters of the global elites' eco-socialist “Green Deal” sitting in key positions of the EU.

Antonio Decaro has been in politics for 20 years, is president of the Italian Association of Towns and Cities and was most recently the popular mayor of the southern Italian port city of Bari for 10 years.

As reported by the German newspaper ‘Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung‘ under the headline “Mafia suspicion in Apulia - The respectable Mr. Decaro”, Antonio Decaro is now suspected of being complicit.

In an anti-mafia operation this spring, 130 people from the local mafia clans of the Montani, Strisciuglio and Parisi were arrested. The Parisi control a large part of the drug trade in Bari and the surrounding area, while other “business areas” include illegal sports betting and extortion of protection money. Among those arrested were two former local politicians from the Bari metropolitan region. Their assets - real estate and business interests, sports cars and jewelry worth a total of over 15 million euros - were confiscated.

Ex-mayor and now EU committee chairman Antonio Decaro insisted that he had nothing to do with this network and that he had never negotiated anything with any mafioso.

Unfortunately, his former party colleague, the Apulian regional president Michele Emiliano and Decaro's predecessor as mayor of Bari, is now contradicting this statement. He himself, together with Antonio Decaro, had visited the sister of local mafia boss Antonio Capriati some years ago in order to dissuade him from his opposition to the establishment of a traffic-calmed zone. If this is true, Antonio Decaro would have lied in his previous denial. The question also arises as to what kind of quid pro quo would have to be offered to a mafia boss to change his mind about a construction project.

To make matters worse, another affair from Decaro's direct party circle came to light. As the alleged head of a clique of 60 predominantly left-wing local politicians who bought votes at a price of 50 euros each, even the mayor of Triggiano, a municipality in the Bari metropolitan region, is now in custody. His wife is also under investigation. The politician has already resigned from office and has also given up her Social Democratic party membership.

Of course, the presumption of innocence also applies to Antonio Decaro for the time being, but the legitimate question arises as to how wise it is to elect someone to chair one of the most important committees of the EU Parliament while his entire party field is currently drowning in an anti-mafia investigation.

With Ursula von der Leyen and Antonio Decaro in the EU Parliament, we now have two merciless advocates of the eco-socialist, ruinous and anti-citizen “Green Deal” in key positions, both of whom are also at the center of massive investigations. Von der Leyen for corruption and Antonio Decaro for involvement with the Italian mafia.

How can such people be seriously put forward as candidates for high political office and then even be elected there by a large majority?

The tough and comprehensive Italian anti-mafia laws of the 1980s and 1990s were introduced when it was recognized that organized crime had infiltrated politics on a large scale.

Perhaps we now need such laws at EU level too?

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP

Dear fellow citizens,

The day before yesterday I reported to you on the constitution of the “ENVI” (Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety), of which I am now a full member. In this committee, the eco-socialist and deeply anti-citizen “Green Deal” of the EU technocrats will be further promoted in the future.

The Italian Social Democrat Antonio Decaro was elected Chairman of the ENVI Committee on Monday. In his inaugural speech immediately following his election, he explained what he stands for:

“We are not taking a step back on the road to the Green New Deal”, coupled with the prophecy that the ENVI will be the most important EU committee in this legislature for this reason.

Now it is not unusual for Mr. Decaro to be elevated to this post with the greatest pleasure from the GREENS (Greens/EFA) and Social Democrats (S&D) for his staunch eco-socialist views.


Their votes alone would not have been enough. In the end, it was the CDU (through the EPP group dominated by them) that provided Mr. Decaro with the missing votes ‼️

The CDU has thus broken one of its key election promises at record speed ❗️ Just over a month ago, the CDU campaigned for the EU elections with the slogan “Abolish the ban on combustion engines!” And now the CDU has voted for an eco-socialist as committee chair who wants to bring about the exact opposite ❗️

This betrayal by the CDU was probably planned long in advance and part of a secret agreement with the GREENS. In order for them to support CDU politician Ursula von der Leyen in her re-election as EU Commission President, the CDU probably had to guarantee the election of Antonio Decaro to the ENVI Committee.

The CDU has coldly betrayed all of its voters in order to maintain its own political power ❗️ At the same time, over 64 percent of Germans are against the end of the combustion engine. Now, with CDU politician Ursula Von der Leyen, we have an EU Commission President who is at the center of corruption investigations and who is fighting just as doggedly for the anti-citizen “Green Deal” as her eco-socialist brother in spirit and chairman of the ENVI Committee, Antonio Decaro.

In the end, the GREENS and the CDU won this dirty game. The former have now positioned two fierce ideologues of their evil agenda in important key positions and the latter have (yet again) secured their dwindling power in a Pyrrhic victory.

In any case, the losers are the citizens, who have once again been screwed by the political elites.

When will the Germans finally come to understand that the CDU is the real mother of all problems?

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP

➡️ P.S.: Tomorrow I will report on another whopper from the ENVI committee that will knock your socks off...

Dear fellow citizens,

Today, the new committees have been constituted in the EU Parliament and a lot has happened in the past few days regarding my new duties over the next five years here in Brussels and Strasbourg. I would like to provide you with the latest information today.

Last week, a new parliamentary group was formed around the AfD in the EU Parliament. Our group name “Europe of Sovereign Nations” is both the goal and guiding principle for a total of 25 MEPs from 8 nations (Germany, Czech Republic, France, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania).

My new role here will be that of a Chief Whip (Parliamentary Managing Director), to which the group has elected me due to my previous experience in the EU Parliament. I am delighted with the trust placed in me and will be happy to use my knowledge to put our group on a parliamentary attack course at lightning speed.

The new committees of the EU Parliament were also formed today:
As a full member, I am now part of the “Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety - ENVI”, together with my AfD colleagues Anja Arndt and Marc Jongen. This is an important committee, as the EU technocrats' eco-socialist and anti-citizen “Green Deal” will be further promoted in this committee. So it's high time I got involved here. I will therefore be publishing more very interesting information about this ENVI committee tomorrow.

I also became a full member of the “SANT” (Subcommittee for Public Health). This committee is extremely important because this is where the relevant political decisions and measures will be put on the agenda in the event of the next p(L)andemic. Should that happen, you can rest assured that I am already standing at the ready to drag the goings-on of this gang into the public eye and offer maximum resistance.

I am also a deputy member of the FEMM (Committee for Women's Rights and Gender Equality), where I once again coordinate our parliamentary group. The FEMM committee regularly attempts to anchor the „woke agenda“ even more deeply in politics and society. Here too - as in the previous legislature - I will continue to oppose this and make public everything that our false elites want to initiate secretly, silently and quietly.

I'm really looking forward to finally being able to kick off again to continue stirring up this biggest madhouse in the world called the EU Parliament.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP

Joe Biden is finished. Mentally and physically. And has been for a long time. No one who has seen his disastrous public appearances could seriously deny this. But why is this tragic, burnt-out candidate being held on to? Why was he sent back into the race in the first place? Because a man who doesn't even know where to run anymore without a crib sheet is the ideal puppet for the Deep State.

Even if Biden is now removed from the race as a presidential candidate, he will remain in the White House as the incumbent president until the end of the term. There, the string-pullers in the background will continue to put him under pressure and use him to achieve their goals. After all, they want to line their pockets with the taxpayers' money by making all kinds of deals and legislative changes until Donald Trump will finally put an end to this unspeakable hustle and bustle as the new president.

Regardless of where you stand politically, it is clear that Joe Biden is being exploited by unscrupulous puppeteers for their political ends at the expense of his mental and physical health. This constitutes a form of political persecution under the Geneva Convention.

For this reason, I wrote a letter to the EU High Representative Josep Borrell a few days ago, proposing that President Biden be offered EU asylum in one of our Member States. Such asylum would allow him to recover in a safe and peaceful environment, away from the pressures of his office and his handlers. It would be a gesture of humanity and would also send a strong signal that the EU cares about the welfare of exploited people, regardless of their political role.

I am curious to see what answer Mr. Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, will give me on this matter.

Click here for my letter to Josep Borrell

As always, I will of course keep you, dear readers, up to date.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP

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