2nd day at the NORTHERN LIGHT CONVENTION in Malmö, Sweden. Health professionals, politicians, lawyers, economists, scientists and activists from all over the world have gathered here to form a counterweight to the technocratic agenda of the global elites.

I just met Prof. Sucharit BHAKDI as well and I' m looking forward to interesting conversations!

Kind regards,

Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

Dear Fellow Citizens,

I am very excited to be a guest speaker at the NORTHERN LIGHT CONVENTION this coming weekend (May 13 - 15, 2022) in Malmö, Sweden. The goal of the three-day event is to bring together and share experiences of international health professionals, politicians, lawyers, economists, scientists and activists.

By joining forces, we aim to form an effective counterweight to the technocratic agenda of the global elites, to prevent their takeover of power, and to halt the worldwide decline of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law caused by these elites.

I am looking forward to an exciting exchange of experiences with more than 20 guest speakers, including Prof. Sucharit BHAKDI and Robert F. KENNEDY, Jr. as well as many other international fighters for freedom and human rights, so that we will be better connected and prepared for the next attack on our basic democratic order carried out by these global background elites.

I will of course keep you updated on the happenings in Malmö, Sweden this coming weekend.

Kind regards,

Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)
Further information:

Dear fellow citizens,

The day before yesterday, the "Covid-19 Special Committee" was constituted in the EU Parliament. This committee is supposed to analyze - according to its own presentation - the so-called Corona pandemic from different angles, dealing not only with health aspects, but also with democracy and fundamental rights, the socio-economic effects and the coordination between global actors.

This sounds quite interesting at first, however, we should not fall into the misconception that the EU Parliament could really be interested in reviewing the wide-spread catastrophic failures of politics and media during the past 2 ½ years, which have shaken the belief in independent science as well have caused serious damage to almost all Western democracies while deeply dividing their societies.

The day before yesterday, I was able to witness the opening statements of some of the 38 committee members live on stage and I have already come to the conclusion that they are less concerned with a critical review than with self-congratulation, in the grotesque belief that they have actually done quite a lot of things properly since the outbreak of the so-called pandemic.

For this very reason, this committee is a good opportunity for me and my colleagues to hold up the mirror of their own failure to all the overtaxed hypocrites and measure ayatollahs of the political-media complex and to back it up with very uncomfortable questions.

I will be posting the corresponding video of my first speech to the new "Covid 19 Special Committee" online on this channel shortly.

In the meantime, please read the official press release of my parliamentary group below:

++ The pandemic is over, the processing of responsibility begins ++

Brussels (20.04.2022) Yesterday, the "Covid-19 Special Committee" was constituted in the EU Parliament. This committee is to analyze the pandemic from different angles, dealing not only with health aspects, but also with democracy and fundamental rights, the socio-economic impact and the coordination between global actors.

Silvia Limmer (AfD) is coordinator and full member, Christine Anderson (AfD) deputy member in the new committee of inquiry. "The challenges for this special committee are immense, because it must be urgently addressed that vaccination side effects of the conditionally approved vaccines up to death are negated or at least played down and one continues to speak of allegedly safe vaccines - although even the most elementary requirements for quality such as the intactness of the mRNA can still not be met. The term pandemic has been used in an unprecedented way to undermine our approval process for drugs and vaccines, which is based on patient safety. This, and how it can be prevented in the future, needs to be discussed," said Sylvia Limmer.

"We have witnessed a pandemic of fundamental rights restrictions on an unprecedented scale. Originally, fundamental rights were considered guarantees against an encroaching state, but in the pandemic, fundamental rights have become privileges that governments handed out like 'treats' to all the citizens who dutifully went along with every order, no matter how moronic it was. We will raise very uncomfortable questions about this in the Special Committee, including about the licensing and contracting of the vaccines, whose contracts are still only extensively blacked out, even to us MEPs," said Christine Anderson.

Dear fellow citizens,

Dear fellow campaigners and highly appreciated freethinkers,
I wish you and your families a happy Easter and sunny holidays amongst your loved ones.

Kind regards,

Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

EU wants to extend "Digital COVID Passport": Submit comments NOW until 8.4.2022 and fight back!

The EU wants to extend the "Digital COVID Certificate" for another year until 2023. Allegedly, the QR code certificate is meant to curb pandemics. But vaccinated and unvaccinated people have been shown to carry the same viral load.

Christine Anderson, digital policy spokeswoman for the AfD delegation in the EU Parliament, clarifies:

"Compulsory vaccination or freedom to travel? Brussels only wants to grant freedom of travel to compulsorily vaccinated people. But the so-called COVID vaccines have only conditional approvals. Important studies are missing or have not been published. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen blacks out vaccine procurement contracts and refuses to publish them in full.

The "Digital EU COVID Certificate" is an attack on freedom, human rights and human dignity. Citizens without a valid certificate have been and continue to be excluded from social life without a scientific basis, in some cases deprived of their freedom to earn a living. In truth, it is about making people submissive to digital surveillance by the state. China's 'social credit system' sends its regards!"

This has to stop. But the EU Commission wants to extend its failed policy for another year. To this end, the Commission has launched an EU-wide survey up to and including April 8th.

Let's join forces now for freedom, human rights and human dignity!

Two days left to oppose this governmental servitude passport!

Make a statement now and let the EU Commission know your opinion up to and including April 8th, 2022:


Dear fellow citizens,

a new attempt in the ECON Committee (Economic and Monetary Affairs) around a de facto "Bitcoin" ban took place in Brussels on Monday:

Here, however, one is not so clumsy to bring it as - in Canada - under the guise of "fighting terror" in position against the own, government-critical citizens.

Here, the hunger for energy and thus the problematic classification under the aspects of the so-called "European Green Deal" was advanced in order to withdraw legitimacy from cryptocurrencies based on "proof-of-work" technology. A corresponding sanction would be equal to a de facto bitcoin ban in the EU.

Fortunately, a liberal-conservative majority was able to stop the ban and thus put a stop to the attempt - which was promoted by the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens - for the time being. However, this does not put an end to the issue. Bitcoin is increasingly becoming a problem for the Brussel’s ban fanatics - but primarily because it makes the ECB's disastrous monetary policy and the EU's economic policy increasingly clear.

Apart from making debts and printing money, Lagarde, von der Leyen and Co. have no more ideas!

These politicians, as part of a rich elite, have also hardly problems or restrictions with the methodology of the money supply increase. But the normal citizens feel ever more clearly, where the journey goes, if they see the prices in the supermarket or at the gas station.

Bitcoin, on the other hand, cannot simply be "reprinted" at will. It is also as anonymous as cash, and that, too, is a problem that Brussels would like to see eliminated. After all, they would like to see a transparent citizen who, in addition to his or her state of health, will in future also have to disclose his asset status and perhaps also prove his loyalty to the government through social points.

But no matter what these false elites will try to do in the future, together with my colleagues, I will continue to stand up for all citizens in the name of freedom!

Kind regards,

Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

Dear fellow citizens,

Those of you who regularly follow my work in the EU Parliament via social media know that I already pointed out last year the massively redacted and censored contracts of the EU Commission with the COVID19 vaccine manufacturers. Even for the members of the EU Parliament there is no possibility to review the complete contracts. We therefore know absolutely nothing from the official side about the pricing policy, the delivery and payment terms or the expected efficacy and side effects as well as future liability issues. In the past weeks I had already given hints to my social media followers that there would be news in these regards.

Now it has finally happened!
A few days ago, I submitted an official request to the EU Commission asking, among other things, for the reason of this censorship and also to find out the date of the full disclosure of the contracts.

The special thing about it:
A regulation said that at least 36 members of parliament (MEPs) have to sign my question before it is accepted by the EU Commission. To achieve this, I have succeeded in forming a cross-party alliance during the last weeks. Together with my previous fellow campaigners from the “press conferences against the Digital COVID Passport”, a broad alliance of MEPs from the most diverse political camps is now pulling together. In addition to representatives of the AfD and FPÖ (ID Group), politicians of the ECR as well as many independents and even 4 MEPs of the GREENS and LEFT are now fighting together with us for comprehensive transparency and the disclosure of the vaccine contracts.

This new alliance fills me with great pleasure, because it shows here what I have been saying for a long time: we are on the threshold of a dark age. In order to prevent a slide into this abyss, we must now all fight against it together, no matter in which direction our political compass may have pointed so far. The 36 MEPs who have joined forces here, show that there is nothing more important than preserving freedom and democracy. And that we will fight for it together across all party boundaries!

We will be happy to keep you up to date and are curious to see how the EU Commission will react now.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)


YOUR opinion counts: Share your ideas for the "Conference on the Future of Europe" and prevent an EU sham event! +++

The EU wants to use the "Conference on the Future of Europe" to find out what citizens think about the further development of the European Union. Among other activities, this is also possible via a digital platform set up especially for this purpose.

Especially if you feel that you have not been sufficiently informed and taken seriously by the EU Commission so far, you should decide to participate so that the critical voices are also sufficiently heard.

So I ask you to take the time to let the EU Commission, the EU Parliament and Ms. von der Leyen know what you think by February 20. This is possible after a short registration by e-mail under the following link


The key issues are:
- Climate change and environment
- Health
- A stronger economy, social justice and employment
- The EU in the world
- Values and rights, rule of law, security
- Digital transformation
- Democracy in Europe
- Migration
- Education, culture, youth and sport

As a member of the "Conference on the Future of Europe", I participate in the relevant plenary sessions and will regularly inform you about the latest developments.

Let's try together to also give critical opinions and views within the EU the necessary hearing!

Kind regards,

Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

Dear fellow citizens,

the ever more absurd measures of the administration are now finally entering the general mental meltdown in the wake of their own self-inspired hysteria. Masks yes, masks no, masks also in the fresh air, testing, vaccinating, boosting until you drop. And then, whoever - oh how surprisingly - is infected anyway, may be pleased about his or her convalescent certificate, which promises him or her at least a few months of respite from the whole – somehow not really functioning – measures marathon.

Finally enjoying 6 months of relative freedom. Home leave from the Corona front. But it was too early to rejoice. Politics quickly straddles the legs of the German citizen and reduces - without any scientific evidence - the pandemic probation to 3 months. Bad luck again.

And while in Germany the debate about the introduction of a compulsory vaccination is gaining momentum more and more aggressively, in Austria it has long since been decided. But there, the domestic political showmen grant their citizens, who are hardly recognized as free individuals anymore, at least the full 6 months of convalescent status. Yet.

Only one country's border away, Switzerland, has so far shown itself to be on the more generous side. While the Swiss' political establishment has granted its citizens an almost obscene 12 months' exemption from the new normality, the administration there has now rowed back. Since January 31, only a shortened grace period of 9 months now applies in Switzerland. Still more generous than in Austria or Germany, but the trend toward further restrictions has long been apparent here as well.

In order to visualize the whole absurdity of these Corona measures in a nutshell, a day trip around Lake Constance, from Germany via Austria to Switzerland is sufficient. But be careful that you don't travel in the wrong direction and that you still have enough remaining time on your convalescent account, and whether further shortages might have been imposed in the meantime. Because then you will quickly get into hell's kitchen. By the way, this must be the same kitchen in which the devil is residing now for the third year after Corona - surrounded by incompetent, spiteful politicians and their media court reporters - stirring his poisonous and vile soup, which we citizens then have to spoon out together.

Let us finally throw away the spoons and shout in the devil's face that we will no longer eat his disgusting soup. Let the political and media stooges of the background elites feast on it, who have brought us all this perverse insanity, while smiling coldly.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

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