In conversation with the great Tamara Lich, one of the main organizers of the Canadian Trucker Convoy 2022 in Ottawa. Also with us: the very courageous lawyers Keith Wilson and Eva Chipiuk. Eva (pictured right) had already cross-examined Justin Trudeau on the legality of the Emergency Act.
The young man pictured on the left is the inspiring filmmaker Kian Simone. I was invited to the premiere of his wonderful film "Trudeau On Trial" last night.
This week, the ‘globalitarian elites’ are flying to the WEF in Davos.
The 2,700 participants, including 50 heads of government, 1,500 corporate CEOs and executives, 86 finance and trade ministers, 19 central bank directors and hundreds of other guests from politics, business and society, deliberate in an exclusive setting, how we - the rabble - will have to live in future. 5,000 soldiers are protecting this sinister club. Sounds like science fiction, but it’s bitter reality. 🪖⚔️
Dear friends and fellow campaigners,
I wish you and your beloved ones a prosperous start into a happy, free and self-determined new year 2023. 🎉🍾🥂🧨
There is still a lot of work ahead of us and our collective struggle against the technocratic agenda of the global elites is in full swing. But there is already a clear and important partial victory to declare:
Never before have people around the globe experienced and recognized with such clarity what it means to confront a common danger and to have a common goal in mind.
From Australia to Europe to Canada, from the USA to Brazil and South Africa to New Zealand: all over the world, citizens and whole peoples understand how their freedom, their fundamental rights and their self-determination are being taken away from them by obedient and puppet-like governments. Former freedoms and rights that are now to be transferred to supranational bodies such as the WHO, the UN or the WEF, according to the will of a globalist and fake elite. Bodies that are neither democratically legitimized by the peoples of this world, nor can be held politically accountable by the citizens.
Digital control, electronic health certificates, climate hysteria, destruction of prosperity through artificial energy shortage, deindustrialization and destruction of farms and agricultural businesses, destruction of the traditional family as a source of strength and the nucleus of every nation, aggressive LGTBQ propaganda for the deliberate destruction of children's souls and a natural gender identity, as well as the abolition of cash, the control of the media, the excessive regimentation of the Internet with the state spying on even the most private communication through data retention and chat controls, are to turn once free citizens into a disenfranchised, unresisting and completely controllable mass of disposal in the stranglehold of the globalist elites.
And yet I remain hopeful. Because a keen awareness of these dangers has now emerged around the world. Citizens, activists, and some politicians from various political spheres, from left to right, together have begun to build global, widespread, and effective networks to push back against the technocratic agenda of the global elites. Many peoples, many languages, sometimes tens of thousands of miles between us, but one single idea and one single common goal are what have already brought us together so closely that we now speak just one single language: It is the language of freedom and self-determination!
So I am looking forward to 2023 and wish you, dear readers, all the best in the new year! 🎉🍾🥂🧨
Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)
Dear fellow citizens, dear fellow campaigners, dear fellow freedom fighters,
I wish you and your beloved ones a Merry Christmas and a blessed holiday season.
Time for family and friends. Time to look back at what has been and look forward to what is about to come. Time to gather new strength. Time for the victory of light over darkness.
Best wishes and Merry Christmas,
Yours Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)
This week, the Identity & Democracy (ID) group in the EU Parliament, on the initiative of its women's policy spokeswoman Christine Anderson (AfD), awarded the prize "Women Fighting for Freedom" for the first time. The prize winners are the Iranian women. The prize was accepted on behalf of Azita Rostami, who fled the Tehran regime at a young age. Christine Anderson added:
"The 'Identity and Democracy' Parliamentary Group has unanimously decided to give the "Women Fighting for Freedom Award 2022" to the women of Iran. They risk everything - including their own lives - for a self-determined life in freedom. Their courage deserves our highest recognition. The women of Iran are an example to us of how important it is to fight for freedom even against a repressive Islamic dictatorship. Our solidarity and full respect belong to the Iranian women."
Up until a few years ago so-called "trans children" were only very rare occurrences. However, this number seems to have exploded in recent years.
In almost all kindergartens and schools, our children are told they could change their gender, and may even be actively encouraged to do so.
➡️ Can you actually change your biological sex?
➡️ Is gender change really the solution?
➡️ What impact does this have on the children involved?
I will discuss these and many other questions with trans persons and international experts in pediatrics and child's psychology.
I am looking forward to seeing you on the live stream!
Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)
Dear fellow citizens,
Many of you have regularly followed me on my work in the EU Parliament via my social media channels, supporting me with your messages and comments and thus motivating me to never stop.
For this, I would like to thank you all today very personally and from the bottom of my heart! Through your great support, even in difficult situations, I always found the necessary extra motivation to continue unwaveringly on my path in the fight for democracy and self-determination against the false elites of this world.
Today I am extremely pleased to announce that I have just passed the 150,000 followers mark on my Twitter account ( @AndersonAfDMdEP ). Many thanks for this to all my followers. Knowing that so many of you are interested in my political work will be an incentive for me to continue to throw myself into the fight with all my might.
Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)
The spy software "Pegasus" can tap all cell phone data unnoticed, read messages, and activate the microphone or camera remotely without the person affected noticing. It is considered one of the most powerful cyber weapons ever developed. Among the worldwide victims are several members of the EU Parliament, employees of the EU Commission as well as numerous oppositionists and lawyers from the EU member states.
According to its own information, the Israeli manufacturer NSO sells the product only to state authorities such as police forces, secret services or the military.
In order to clarify how it could happen that this software was also used against members of the EU Parliament and the EU Commission and who is responsible for that, the special committee PEGA was founded in the EU Parliament already in April 2022, of which I am a full member.
From the very beginning, this committee was ill-fated. Sometimes the Internet suddenly went down, speakers unexpectedly dropped out of the live video feed, government agencies stonewalled when passing on information or simply acted the fool.
Earlier this week, the Vice President of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), Martina Link, had been invited to a hearing before the committee. But Ms. Link did not show up for the appointment. The reason for her absence is still unknown. Even the committee chairman was surprised about this audacity and remarked that even he did not know whether the vice-president of the BKA - who was invited a total of 3 times - was only prevented by scheduling or if the Federal Ministry of the Interior had forbidden her to attend.
So let's hold on to this:
My question:
What should an averagely gifted person make of this? What conclusion could one come to if the already known facts are put in connection with the corresponding conjectures? Could we then be in danger of being once again branded as alleged conspiracy theorists by “opinion controllers” and so-called "fact checkers"?
Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)
[Brussels, 11.11.2022] Christine Anderson (AfD): YouTube didn't want you to know what we uncovered in the EU special committee on the Corona pandemic.
YouTube has deleted several videos with speeches by Christine Anderson (AfD), who is a member of the EU special committee on the Corona pandemic for the ID group. In some cases, even videos with questions that the MEP had asked in the committee were sanctioned. Following legal intervention, YouTube caved in and put videos that had already been censored back online. Anderson is now calling on YouTube to hand over the "medical misinformation guidelines" on which the platform operator bases its sanctions. "The impression here is that information that doesn't fit the desired narrative should be suppressed. I won't stand for that. If YouTube lets my deadline pass unused, I will file a lawsuit in court,'' Anderson said.
Anderson regularly publicizes how high-ranking representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, such as the vice president of AstraZeneca, increasingly come under pressure during hearings and criticized Pfizer CEO Alfred Bourla for canceling his participation in one such meeting at short notice. "I call for a committee of inquiry to take a closer look at the relationship between the Pfizer CEO and EU-Commission President Ursula von der Leyen."
Anderson and her Dutch colleague Rob Ross also uncovered a scandal: "Bourla's representative on the committee, Janine Smalls, had to admit to Ross in a questioning that the pharmaceutical giant had no knowledge before the market launch of the Pfizer/BionTech drug whether it could be used to prevent the infection as well as the transmission of Covid-19 at all. "Statements like - "If you vaccinate, you protect yourself and others!" - in the context of the Covid vaccination campaign were simply lies!"
In a written question, Anderson is now asking the EU Commission where statements in support of the vaccination campaign originated, such as those still being used by the German government, and whether sanctions can be expected for such "fake news" within the framework of the EU action plan against disinformation.
More background information and video links as well as contact possibilities for press representatives on Christine Anderson's homepage (currently only available in German):