Dear fellow citizens,

My persistent work in the EU Parliament and its committees now seems to be a thorn in the side of certain players in the background ❗️ In today's post, I would therefore like to make public for the first time the legal battles I have fought with YouTube in recent weeks to save my MEP account there from arbitrary censorship and permanent deletion.

➡️ About 6 weeks ago I published on YouTube my video from the official EU-COVID special committee, where I together with my colleagues from #TeamFreedom put the representative of AstraZeneca under so much pressure by asking questions, that apart from endless stuttering nothing more could be heard from her. In doing so, I probably stepped on the toes of some of the background actors way too much:

➡️ Only a few days later, the video was suddenly deleted from YouTube. Reason: alleged "medical misinformation". At the same time, I received a 1st warning and was not allowed to post any new content on my channel for one week. [Link]

➡️ Shortly after, another, already somewhat older video from the EU-COVID special committee was "discovered" and also deleted for so-called "medical misinformation", incl. 2nd warning and posting ban for 14 days. [Link]

➡️ Now YouTube informed me that they would delete my account completely and permanently if they found one more "inappropriate" video on my channel.

➡️ At this point I had to activate my lawyers. YT was ordered to restore the videos in both cases, as well as withdraw the warnings. In addition, YT should disclose its definitions of "medical misinformation".

➡️ Now it got really exciting. Two days after the first lawyer's letter arrived at YT, all of a sudden - and as if by magic - the corresponding video was back online and the associated warning disappeared.

➡️ A few days later, directly after arrival of the second lawyer's letter, the other video was then also available again and the second warning was also withdrawn.

➡️ It is interesting that YT has not commented on this incident until today. No explanation, no apology, no information. From the outside, everything appears as if nothing had ever happened. Only by the strongly different viewing numbers between German and English version it can still be recognized that the German versions of these videos must have been blocked in the meantime. But that was not the end of the story.

➡️ On 19.10.2022 the video of the latest press conference of #TeamFreedom followed. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla had previously refused to appear in front of the Special Committee, SMS text messages between him and EU Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen had disappeared, and the EU Public Prosecutor's Office had begun investigating the EU vaccine contracts. [Link]

➡️ Result: YT immediately blocked the entire video of the press conference and warned me again for an alleged "violation of the community guidelines", including a new posting ban.

➡️ Two days later, YT suddenly rowed back. Even before a third letter from my lawyers reached the company, the video of the press conference had been put back online overnight and the associated warning had been removed.

➡️ These multiple blockings and threats will probably not be a coincidence. Especially since they started right at that moment, when with the total failure of the AstraZeneca representative at the Special Committee, the official Corona narrative of politics and media started to collapse.

After months of persistent pressure from me and my colleagues of #TeamFreedom within the EU Special Committee - now even the EU Public Prosecutor's Office has become active - it seems that YT may no longer be willing to catch a falling knife and put the previously deleted video of the press conference back online as a precaution. Intransparency and obfuscation are not only found within the power circles of the EU, but also in the corporate culture of globally operating media platforms. It is precisely this elitist politico-media complex that is hostile to us citizens, our freedom and democracy as a whole.

I will be happy to report on further interesting developments on this topic to you, dear readers, here in the coming days.

By the way, you can watch the videos that were affected by the YT censorship here:

Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:

It's finally starting! The EU Public Prosecutor's Office has launched an official investigation into the Corona vaccine contracts ‼️

Apparently, the pressure I’ve been building up with my colleagues from #TeamFreedom during the last months in the EU-COVID-Special-Committee is starting to show results.

It’s getting nasty for EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and her good buddy, top manager Albert Bourla - CEO of pharma giant PFIZER.

We remember: PFIZER chief Bourla already refused to participate in the EU special committee 14 days ago. Moreover, important SMS between him and von der Leyen with reference to the contracts disappeared.

Now a deal for 1.8 billion vaccine doses from Biontech/Pfizer worth an estimated €35 billion is also coming into focus. Piquant: The EU is even supposed to have a purchase obligation here instead of the usual purchase options.

I'll continue to push forward and get back to you as soon as I have any new info.

Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

Dear fellow citizens,

Tomorrow, October 25, 2022, at 15:00 (CET) in the EU Parliament, I will participate as a speaker in our 'Gender Equality Week' event. We will discuss women´s issues, femininity and female empowerment in the modern age from a conservative and patriotic point of view.

Our panel will consist of:

➡️ Christine Anderson: German Member of the EU Parliament (AfD) and ID Coordinator of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
➡️ Patricia Chagnon: French Member of the EU Parliament (Rassemblement National) and member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
➡️ Reinhild Boßdorf: German influencer, blogger and conservative women´s rights activist

For those who can´t attend in person, here is a link for remote participation:

There will be active and passive translation in German and English.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

The EU is responsible for those policy areas that have been transferred to it by the member states by treaty. All other policy areas would have to remain with the member states.

But now the EU wants to further regulate mother's milk, sperm, human egg cells and blood. The EU Commission has already published a proposal for a regulation on substances of human origin.

Christine Anderson, AfD women's policy spokeswoman in the EU Parliament, clarifies:

"To put it in terms the EU technocrats can understand: Breast milk is a product that is consumed almost exclusively in the vicinity of the place of production by one or at most two infants. Unless there were a cross-border market for human breast milk, which the EU wants to legalize. However, I haven't noticed anything about that yet. Or do the EU officials mean to put breast milk smugglers in a row with gasoline, alcohol, tobacco and weapons smugglers?

This mother's milk regulation is an example of how the EU interferes in the most private details. But when it comes to real problems for which it is responsible, it fails completely. Economic decline, wrong energy policy and the Euro inflation are only mentioned in passing.

As an experienced mother and politician, I wholeheartedly reject an EU Commission that seeks cross-border exchanges of breast milk and the 'implementation of a digitalization-enabled policy' in this area.

An EU that tends to put barcodes and QR codes on everything and everyone, to want to measure, control and patronize everything, deserves the resistance of all responsible citizens.

I, for one, have made up my mind: For freedom, for democracy and for fundamental rights!"

Sources, links and further information (please scroll down):

This week I am once again on the "ID Study Days", the conclave of my parliamentary group. This time with our Czech neighbors in beautiful Prague.
Good talks with our esteemed guest of honor, the former President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus.

He spoke of the following major challenges we face today:

➡️ 1. Multiculturalism
➡️ 2. NGO-ism
➡️ 3. Cancel Culture
➡️ 4. shift from equality to gender ideology

Full consent and thanks again to Václav Klaus for the very interesting exchange of ideas! More info on our conclave to come later in an update.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

In the wake of the scandals within the German public broadcasting services, the media-policy spokespersons of the AfD delegation in the EU Parliament and the AfD parliamentary groups met at short notice in Berlin and worked out the basics regarding the reorganization of the public broadcasters.

Press release by Christine Anderson, media policy spokesperson for the AfD in the EU Parliament:

"It is becoming more than clear from the ever more widespread scandals of the public media institutions that they have lost their way and have gone on a media-political ghost trip.

The public's interest in objective information has not been in the foreground for a long time. Instead, the self-interest of ideologues – who have trimmed the system of public broadcasters to suit themselves – has moved to the forefront. They profit from princely payments, expenses, bonuses, pensions and considerable influence on the formation of the audience’s political opinion.

In Germany, we have by far the most expensive state-controlled broadcasting in the EU. But the EU itself also has “Euronews” and “Euranet” or “Euranet Plus”, its own in-house reporters. We should urgently take a closer look at these broadcasters and even more at their budgets: Who profits from whom and in which pocket does German taxpayers' money disappear, which belongs neither to Brussels nor to Berlin, but is best left where it has been earned: In the wallets of our hard-working citizens.

As the media-policy spokesperson for the AfD delegation in the EU Parliament, I support the basic principles that have been developed, and I will also campaign in Brussels with my colleagues in the Identity & Democracy Group, the members of the Lega, FPÖ, Rassemblement National, Vlaams Belang and the many other freedom-loving MEPs to ensure that this basic document can also be the start of an EU-wide reappraisal and education campaign. We must drain the swamp of corruption, and nepotism. First in Germany, then across the EU.

In accordance with its constitutional mandate, a public broadcasting service financed by compulsory contributions would have to ensure that citizens receive independent and objective information. But the recent rent-a-scribe reports are rapidly developing in the direction of pure indoctrination alongside with so-called attitude journalism.

Such approaches have abandoned the concept of politically mature citizens. Obviously, the conviction prevails that citizens must be educated and shaped like immature children.

This is not only unworthy of a democracy, but gives legitimate reason to ask whether a state that tolerates this can even claim to still be a fully functioning democracy?"

Today from Brussels directly to Berlin for the inter-factional working meeting of the media policy spokespersons of the AfD parliamentary group.

In front of the Bundestag (German parliament), I happened to come across a rally against the energy price shock and the senseless boomerang sanctions.

Great action! I immediately postponed my appointment a bit and went along with the demonstrators for a while.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

Dear fellow citizens,

Last week I reported on my social media channels about how the media-political complex is constantly trying to convince us that Corona and the war in Ukraine are to blame for the fact that our economy is going downhill, while at the same time energy and consumer prices are hitting the roof.

In reality, however, it is the completely exaggerated Corona coercive measures and the government's stubborn adherence to ineffective sanctions that are not doing much except harming ourselves. Added to this is years of disastrous monetary policy by the ECB, which led to price increases and a significant rise in inflation even before the Ukraine conflict began.

But when – at the same time all this is happening – international energy companies like Shell, Total or Eni are raking in huge billions of profits in the second quarter of 2022 alone, there is something wrong with the story that politicians and the media are trying to persuade us to believe. Rather, it smells like a large-scale rip-off of citizens and taxpayers.

Appropriately, REWE's head of the purchasing department (REWE is one of the largest supermarket chains in Germany), Hans-Jürgen Moog, spoke out in an interview a few days ago, accusing food manufacturers of driving up prices. He literally says: "It is the rule that the German consumer is to be the first and most heavily cashed in by the corporations. The manufacturers say quite openly: The German customer will put up with this"

The manager cites the example of a manufacturer who is planning a price increase of six percent in France, while the figure in Germany is just about 30 percent. "Although the same raw materials are used and the products come from the same production facilities," Moog says. The REWE Group has a good insight into the European markets and thus also into the issue of pricing, he points out.

I would like to take this opportunity to expressly thank Mr. Moog for his courage in venturing out of the woods this far - especially in regard to his exposed position - and openly expressing what we citizens have already been suspecting for such a long time.

No matter where you look, it's always the same: the government and the political establishment (intentionally or out of stupidity) create one catastrophe after another, while the mainstream media largely provide the appropriate rent-a-scribe reporting to further pull the wool over the citizens' eyes.

And so the German government and the ailing German energy company Uniper recently agreed on a rescue package worth billions. Of course, we, the citizens, are once again footing the bill. By the way, did we ever get a few bucks back when business was still good?

A piquant detail of this arrangement is that Uniper has been majority-owned by the Finnish stock corporation Fortum since March 2020. And do you know who is part of the supervisory board there?

Philipp Rösler - former German Federal Minister of Health and EX-Federal Minister of Economics!

And it gets even better: from 2014 to 2017, Rösler was managing director and board member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland.

I think we can stop at this point at the latest and need not ask any more questions.

None at all? Yes, there is! There is one last question that needs to be answered:
How long can we citizens still afford this government?

I'm afraid we're soon in for a boiling hot political fall and winter, despite cold homes, power shutoffs, and a financial ice age, at the latest with the return of the Corona coercive measures.

But one thing is just as certain: We will stand strong and hold the responsible actors accountable. Because the next election is coming for sure. And in the meantime, the streets will be the place where politics will recognize us! Whether they want to or not!

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)


Dear fellow citizens,
as many of you probably already know – in my position as a Member of the European Parliament – I am also a deputy member of its official "COVID-19 Investigating Committee" (COVI).

Already last may, the chair of this committee attended the 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) of the WHO in Geneva.
Now, more than 2 months later, I finally received the proceedings of this meeting.

I was quite astonished to find there - half hidden in a subordinate clause - the clandestine disappearance of another Corona narrative.

So far - according to the official working hypothesis - the origin of COVID-19 is to be assumed on an animal market in the Chinese city of Wuhan. This official assumption has since been disseminated by almost all media worldwide. Scientists and experts, who in the meantime also tried to discuss other possibilities of the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, were quickly branded as conspiracy theorists and excluded from the debate.

Now, however, the minutes available to me indicate that even a high-ranking WHO scientist no longer considers the animal market in Wuhan to be the source of the "pandemic."

Dr. Jaouad Mahjour, former WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean and current Director of Program Management states, according to the minutes, "WHO estimates that the first COVID cases [...] could date back to November 2019, which is why it does not consider the Wuhan market to be the origin of the virus."

That's quite a mouthful, considering the ease with which another building block from the previous Corona narrative is simply disposed of here by official bodies.

But it is also interesting to note that, according to Dr. Mahjour, WHO continues to "see Europe in a strong position to take a leadership role on the future pandemic treaty."

Recently, I stumbled across a graphic on social media that stated, "We need new conspiracy theories - The old ones are all true now."
I don't know about you, dear readers, but after the first laugh, somehow a certain pensiveness remains...

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

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