16. February 2022

We have a right to get access to the Vaccine Contracts

We have a right to get access to the Vaccine Contracts

Dear fellow citizens,

Those of you who regularly follow my work in the EU Parliament via social media know that I already pointed out last year the massively redacted and censored contracts of the EU Commission with the COVID19 vaccine manufacturers. Even for the members of the EU Parliament there is no possibility to review the complete contracts. We therefore know absolutely nothing from the official side about the pricing policy, the delivery and payment terms or the expected efficacy and side effects as well as future liability issues. In the past weeks I had already given hints to my social media followers that there would be news in these regards.

Now it has finally happened!
A few days ago, I submitted an official request to the EU Commission asking, among other things, for the reason of this censorship and also to find out the date of the full disclosure of the contracts.

The special thing about it:
A regulation said that at least 36 members of parliament (MEPs) have to sign my question before it is accepted by the EU Commission. To achieve this, I have succeeded in forming a cross-party alliance during the last weeks. Together with my previous fellow campaigners from the “press conferences against the Digital COVID Passport”, a broad alliance of MEPs from the most diverse political camps is now pulling together. In addition to representatives of the AfD and FPÖ (ID Group), politicians of the ECR as well as many independents and even 4 MEPs of the GREENS and LEFT are now fighting together with us for comprehensive transparency and the disclosure of the vaccine contracts.

This new alliance fills me with great pleasure, because it shows here what I have been saying for a long time: we are on the threshold of a dark age. In order to prevent a slide into this abyss, we must now all fight against it together, no matter in which direction our political compass may have pointed so far. The 36 MEPs who have joined forces here, show that there is nothing more important than preserving freedom and democracy. And that we will fight for it together across all party boundaries!

We will be happy to keep you up to date and are curious to see how the EU Commission will react now.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)



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